
Showing posts from April, 2012

New Year, New Resolution

Ok, ok, so I realize that it is April, and almost the end of April at that, but I wanted to write an update on my New Year's resolution for 2012.  I am hoping that I will make some kind of goal for my self each year to grow my online business (if you have checked it out yet,  click here ).  This year I made it my goal to work on my street cred.  That is, I wanted to work on making my shop more visible in the local area, to have a physical location, not just a virtual one.  While at this point I am not willing to take the jump to opening up my own storefront, I was willing to open up in someone else's shop.  So, I researched a couple galleries in the area, found one I liked and set up an interview.  And....I GOT IN! So, I am set up to having a gallery show for the entire month of June 2012.  I'm super excited and definitely nervous.  I am one that usually thinks of all the possible ways I could fail and often talk myself out of doing things ...

We Moved!

There is nothing like moving from side of town to the other to distract you from posting stuff on your blog.  But figuring that the new place has hardwood floors, lots of sunlight and a beautiful garden...I am NOT complaing.  Nope, not one bit. I just went outside today (brr!!) to take a few picture of the flowers.  I have not planted a single thing...and yet this is what the garden has brought forth since we moved in: They are the most wonderful shade of pink!  I am debating whether or not to cut them and bring them inside.  They would look so beautiful on the dining room table.