So for Lent this year I decided to concentrate on my productivity, or lack thereof. As a sidenote, I am a Christian, but I am not the type that views Lent as being a religious practice, at least not every year. I do view it as a good excuse to reflect on my life and figure out what I could do better. And who knows, maybe this exercise will lead to more frequent communication with God and a better understanding of Jesus' sacrifice. Anyway, back to my story. What better way to increase productivity than to get rid of the time wasters! Some of my biggest time wasters seem to be the internet in general and facebook more specifically. I would often refresh my facebook newsfeed every two minutes (not exaggerating) and there would usually be 2 or 3 new updates from people that I probably hadn't talked to in years, maybe even decades. Do I really need to know what they are up to? Nope! So, I went through my entire 'friends' list and 'hid...