Grandma's Refrigerator Rolls

A recipe passed down from my grandma.  My mom uses this recipe to make delicious cinnamon rolls.


*½ c warm water
*4 t sugar
*3 pkg dry yeast (not rapid rise)
*Mix above ingredients and set aside to proof

4 c hot water
3 tsp salt
1 ¼ c Crisco shortening
1 c sugar
Mix previous 4 ingredients until sugar dissolved and
Crisco is partly melted and partly in very small “chunks”
When Crisco mix is cooled to lukewarm then add yeast mix
and stir together then:

Add 4 eggs – beat in one at a time

Then add about 12 –14 cups of flour.

Knead to make a dough that is soft but not sticky. You
will likely have to knead it on a board to get all the flour in.
Don’t add so much flour that the dough gets stiff – should be
spongy and “stretchy”.

Put in one or two LARGE tupperware containers with cover –
put in fridge until needed. Check it every few hours to make
sure it hasn’t “sprung” the cover. This will last about 3 days
in the fridge. When you want to make rolls just take out, roll
out rolls, let rise for a few hours in warm place and bake at
350 for about 15 minutes.

* This recipe “tripled” (you have to make it 3 times – not just
triple the ingredients) will make 100 large dinner rolls.


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